Bloodied heads, arms and legs: 43 policemen injured, 200 people at the Assembly, 23 detained

Rebic said that everything ended this morning around 3:30 and that after that it was a sad sight in the streets

Photo: Tanjug/AP/Darko Vojinovic; Printscreen: Youtube/MUP Serbia

Police Director Vladimir Rebic said that at least 43 police officers and 17 demonstrators were injured in last night's protest in Belgrade, as well as that 23, as he said, hooligans have been detained. while 5 official vehicles were set on fire and 3 horses injured.

He marked Damjan Knezevic and Srdjan Nogo as the initiators of a push to enter the Assembly of Serbia, but only Knezevic, who will be brought before a judge today, has been arrested. Regarding Nogo, the prosecutor will be consulted to see whether there are elements of a criminal act.

"I was extremely surprised, we did not expect at all that someone could decide to express dissatisfaction (with coronavirus measures) by using stones and other objects, that at one point a group would react in that way towards the police. The outcome is very serious, we had 43 injured police officers, some have not even asked for help because they have minor injuries. The policemen who were seriously injured had bloodied heads, legs... There are also 17 injured protesters, and the diagnostics will determine whether they have more or less serious injuries," stated Rebic.

He said that the police managed to reestablish public order and peace after a few hours, because a number of hooligans tried to endanger the lives of police officers with stones and other objects, and to enter the Assembly.

"I'm proud of the officers. There were about 200 police officers at one point. As the number (of demonstrators) increased, so we brought in more forces. We've arrested a number of hooligans - 23 have been detained and are in police custody," he said and marked Damjan Knezevic and Srdjan Nogo as the initiators of entering the Assembly:

"They were urging people and were the initiators of entering the Assembly, but I cannot say that they are also the organizers of the protest, we will see. During the day, Knezevic will be brought to the competent court, and we will see about Nogo with the prosecution, whether there were elements of a criminal act in his behavior."

Rebic said that everything ended this morning around 3:30 and that after that it was a sad sight in the streets.

Asked if this was an attempt to overthrow the government, he said that this, too, will be considered with the prosecution.

"If they assess that there are elements of that crime, we will certainly act on that in the coming period," said Rebic.

Video: Clashes with police, 3 police cars set on fire
