Hospital worker in Novi Pazar suspended for selling coffins; 25 doctors could get fired

"All employees who fail to report for duty within 24 hours, and have diagnoses such as dizziness and sciatica, where their sick leave is suspicious, will be fired," said Djerlek

Mirsad Djerlek /Photo: Facebook printscreen/ RTV Novi Pazar

The coordinator of the General Hospital in Novi Pazar, Mirsad Djerlek, said at today's press conference that he will suspend P.S., a worker in the Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine. who has been selling coffins.

He said this would be done because the employee abused his official position.

"I received a statement from the Corruption Department of the Police Administration. I ask all employees to dedicate themselves to work, order, discipline and cooperation," Djerlek pointed out.

He said two days ago that immediately after learning about what this employee was doing, he informed the police about it, and that an investigation had been conducted in the Department of Pathology.

"If it turns out that the allegations are true, and apart from the dismissal, he will also be criminally prosecuted," Djerlek said on July 5.

At today's conference, Djerlek also said that he sent out 25 warnings of possible termination of employment contracts.

"All employees who fail to report for duty within 24 hours, and have diagnoses such as dizziness and sciatica, where their sick leave is suspicious, will be fired. I use this opportunity to send my best wishes to all my colleagues who are undergoing treatment, to wish them a speedy recovery, I know what that means and I wish them to get healthy as soon as possible," said Djerlek.

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