"Covid life" of our healthcare workers: I've spent 1.5 months with my wife since start of the year

Dusan Jovicic, chief technician for anesthesia and resuscitation in the Covid Hospital of KBC Zvezdara, shared with us his most difficult experience of working in a Covid hospital

Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, many have lost their loved ones. The invisible enemy, who brought the world to its knees in a relatively short time, is not stopping reaping victims.

Healthcare workers know best how serious the situation is. Since March, they have been on the first lines of defense. For them, there is no luxury of taking days off, vacations, paid or unpaid leave.

However, hard work in defending citizens from the virus and the lack of "life benefits" is not the hardest thing they are struggling with.

"My wife also works in the healthcare and since the beginning of the year we managed to spend a total of a month and a half together. She is in the hospital in Pozarevac, I am in Belgrade, and the children are with their grandparents for safety reasons. That part, the separation from my family is definitely the hardest for me," says Dusan Jovicic, chief technician for anesthesia and resuscitation in the Covid Hospital of the Clinical and Hospital Center (KBC) Zvezdara.

A few days ago, a Telegraf crew was in the "red zone" of this hospital and saw how hard it is to work under protective equipment with patients on the verge of life and death. (Report in Serbian). On that day, we experienced the everyday life of Jovicic and his colleagues from intensive care.

In the video at the top of the page, see what he said about his life outside the walls of the Covid hospital.
