Udovicic on why some countries lift measures while Omicron rages: Situation serious, hospitals full

"One in two patients is older than 70, and what makes the whole think difficult for us are the comorbidities, i.e., the accompanying diseases," say Dr. Udovicic, commander of the Military Covid Hospital Karaburma in Belgrade

Photo: Marko Jovanovic

Anesthesiologist Colonel Dr. Ivo Udovicic, commander of the Military Covid Hospital Karaburma, stresses that the current Covid situation in Serbia is serious, because the elderly population is now the most affected.

Udovicic explains that day by day, from the New Year's holiday until today, the capacities are being filled, and that the situation with other countries that are easing the measures, at the moment, is not similar to ours.

"The hospital has been full since the New Year, and it is filled every day. One in two patients is older than 70, and what makes thw while thingt difficult for us are the comorbidities, i.e., the accompanying diseases," Udovicic told TV Pink.

He added that Omicron causes a milder picture of the disease, but there are a lot of infected people, which is serious.

"It is a serious disease in itself, and the treatment of these patients is more difficult compared to those who were healthy and got infected," says Udovicic.

Udovicic notes that lately, there has been a lot of contradictory information coming from around the world, where measures are being relaxed, but he says that is because they do not have pressure on hospitals and have acquired collective immunity.

"That is the point, to gain immunity in order to lift the measures," says Udovicic.

He adds that the elderly population is the most in danger, and stresses that vaccination is the best possible measure against the epidemic which has lasted for almost two years.

"We expect this situation to calm down by the spring," says Udovicic.

Video: Karaburma Military Hospital Red Zone: We never know which patient will see the dawn
