Natural stone arch Samar - the stone gate of the Homolje Mountains: A bridge made by nature

Samar is the remnant of a former 1,800-meter-long cave

On the border between the Homolje Mountains and Kucaj, in a river valley, nature has carved out an imposing limestone "bridge" - the Samar stone arch.

It was formed at a place where a small river sinks, on an active fault, and is 15 meters tall.

The Samar arch represents the remnant of a former 1,800-meter-long cave.

Namely, a large cave system from which two caves remained - one in the right pillar of Samara itself and the other which is located 200 meters upstream - used to exist where a gorge is today.

Samar attracts a large number of mountaineers and adventurers who are fascinated by natural phenomena.

The Samar stone arch is under state protection as a geomorphological natural monument.

Photo: Ivan Strahinic

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