Pictures from the scene after Belleville accident: "Car must've moved at 140 kmph, horrible screech and crash"

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"The ambulance arrived quickly, and the driver of the BMW had to be pulled out by firefighters"

A serious accident that happened around 1 pm in the Belleville neighborhood of New Belgrade, disturbing local residents, who heard a very strong crash, preceded by a terrible screeching of the breaks, and one of the cars was so damaged that firefighters had to intervene.

The accident occurred when a car with Subotica license plates was turning towards Crvene Armije Boulevard from Djordja Stanojevica Street, and at that moment, got crashed into by a black BMW.

"He must have been driving at 140 kilometers per hour. There was a squeal of tires, he tried to brake a little but was unable to stop, you can see where he flew over, all the way over there," one of the eyewitnesses told Telegraf.

The cars stopped fairly far, several tens of meters apart from each other, which only testifies to the force of the impact.

"The ambulance arrived quickly, and the BMW driver was pulled out by firefighters. The young man came out covered in blood and with a broken arm," said witnesses.

The BMW ended up on tram tracks that are not used for regular traffic.
