Governments of RS and Serbia to hold joint session on August 4

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"President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and I will then go to Petrovac Road, where a convoy of Serb refugees was bombed in the Second World War, as well as during Operation Storm"

Photo: Tanjug/Zoran Zestic

President of the Serb Republic (RS) Milorad Dodik said over the weekend that a joint session of the governments of the RS and Serbia and the session of the Council for Implementation of the Agreement on Special and Parallel Relations will be held in Banja Luka on August 4.

Dodik said that several bilateral meetings between ministers heading different departments will be held after that, RTRS reported.

"President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and I will then go to Petrovacka Cesta (Petrovac Road), where a convoy of Serb refugees was bombed in the Second World War, as well as during Operation Storm. We will lay wreaths there and then go to Prijedor to commemorate Day of Remembrance of the Serbs killed during (Croatia's) Operation Storm," stressed Dodik.
