Pristina authorities falsely reported that an associate of Danilo Vucic participated in the events in Banjska

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Pristina media published a video taken on July 28 in Gazimestan, on Vidovdan, in which Danilo Vucic can be seen in Gracanica, along with claims that "terrorist" Milorad Jevtic is with him

Photo: Printscreen/Instagram/@buducnostsrbijeav

The authorities in Pristina tried to prove that Milorad Jevtic, an alleged associate of Danilo Vucic, who is the son of the president of Serbia, participated in the events in the village of Banjska on September 24, but it turned out, based on photographs, that this is not true, reports Tanjug.

Pristina media published a video taken on July 28 in Gazimestan, on Vidovdan, in which Danilo Vucic can be seen in Gracanica, along with claims that "terrorist" Milorad Jevtic is with him.

However, based on the video, it was established that this was not Jevtic, but a member of the special unit "Kobre" Boro Borcic, who is tasked with ensuring the safety of the son of the president of Serbia.

On Sunday, Vucic announced on Instagram that his son Danilo had nothing to do with the attack on the so-called Kosovo police in Banjska, after so-called Kosovo police minister linked the president's son with these events.

"Tonight, Kurti accused my family, my firstborn Danilo, and he himself doesn't know how he arrived at that conclusion, that Danilo somehow participated in what he says was a terrorist attack in Banjska. The first characteristic of cowards that every person notices is they attack other people's families, children, because those always seem like the easiest targets. Danilo, of course, has nothing to do with any of it, except that he loves Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija as part of it, in accordance with the UN Charter. You, Kurti, tried to take off his T-shirt, with (a threat of) rifles, you didn't succeed. You insulted my daughter, and did it in a 'heroic and manly' way that only you can do," wrote Vucic.
