Petkovic: Pristina rejected invitation to dialogue that was supposed to take place on November 7

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Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic also spoke about the date of the visit on Sunday, when he told Tanjug that a new round of dialogue was supposed to be held in Brussels on November 6 or 7, but that the other side did not accept that

Illustration: Nikola Jovanovic; Photo: Shutterstock

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic has confirmed for Tanjug that Pristina rejected an invitation to dialogue between the main negotiators at the technical level, which was supposed to be held on November 7 in Brussels, while Belgrade accepted it.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic also spoke about the date of the visit on Sunday, when he told Tanjug that a new round of dialogue was supposed to be held in Brussels on November 6 or 7, but that the other side did not accept that.

Petkovic explained that on October 30, EU special representative Miroslav Lajcak sent an email to Belgrade and Pristina regarding a new round of dialogue that was supposed to take place on Tuesday, November 7.

"Belgrade immediately responded affirmatively to that invitation by email on November 2 and additionally stated that our delegation will come to Brussels for talks considering the importance of continuing them, especially in the direction of de-escalation and stabilization of the situation on the ground. However, Pristina and its negotiator Besnik Bislimi simply refused the invitation. That is why we were informed by the EU on November 3 that tomorrow's meeting in Brussels had simply been cancelled," Petkovic told Tanjug on Monday.

He stressed that with this Pristina and its negotiator Besnik Bislimi showed that they are not interested in dialogue, normalization and de-escalation.

"Now it should be clear to everyone that Pristina is dedicated exclusively to terrorizing the Serbs, to threats, escalation and causing new crises instead of dialogue. While refusing to participate in the talks, Albin Kurti continues to threaten the Serbs with more Albanian police which he says will not be stopped either in the south or in the north.

Unlike Kurti's militant rhetoric, Belgrade is doing its best to ensure peace and preserve the Serb people in Kosovo, striving to be a constructive and credible side in the dialogue, firmly committed to resolving all issues at the negotiating table. By refusing to participate in the dialogue, Pristina shows that it intends to achieve its interests through confrontation, violence and unilateral escalating moves against the Serbs," said Petkovic.

He also pointed out that he informed all representatives of the international community, especially the representatives of the Quint (five Western countries), about this decision of Pristina.
