HORROR Woman drugs 4-year-old with benzodiazepines dissolved in her juice: Devastating dose even for adults

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

The little girl from Smederevo had a huge amount of sedatives in her system, and it is suspected that she was being poisoned in this way for months

Illustration: Profimedia/Alamy, Shutterstock

On Friday, March 8, the Belgrade police arrested Milena R. (43) from Smederevo on suspicion of poisoning her four-year-old daughter with bromazepam and diazapam by putting the medication in the child's juice and even doing this at the Mother and Child Institute, while she was there along with her daughter for observation, Telegraf.rs has learned.

The woman was giving the child medicines that were prescribed to her.

The suspect was detained for up to 30 days on charges of domestic violence.

Yesterday, Milena was questioned at the Third Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade.

According to information available to us, the mother brought the girl to the hospital on February 28 and said that the child was not feeling well.

"In conversation with the doctors, she explained that her daughter could not stand on her feet and that she was shaking all over. When asked by the doctor if she was taking any therapy, the woman denied it. As the days passed, the girl's condition remained the same, so the doctor suspected poisoning. They took blood and urine tests, which were sent to the VMA. The results shocked all the doctors at the clinic.

The little girl from Smederevo had a huge amount of sedatives in her system, and it is suspected that she was being poisoned in this way for months. The amount of this substance could have been fatal even for an adult, so it is not clear how the child managed," says our source close to the investigation.

Unofficially, the mother had a police record for neglecting her daughter, but this has not been proven.

The Center for Social Welfare in Smederevo was informed about the case.

Telegraf.rs has learned that the said drugs were found in Milena R.'s bag, in the hospital room.
