Chinese president's visit to Serbia was historic! Dacic: Xi did not choose Serbia by chance

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

After October 5 (2000), there was an insane attitude towards China, said Dacic

Printscreen: TV Pink

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs Ivica Dacic said last night that Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Serbia is a historic visit in every sense of the word, and that it would be a historic visit for countries much larger than Serbia.

"After October 5 (2000), there was an insane attitude towards China. They gave us a loan during the sanctions and wars. And when Milosevic fell, Labus, Djindjic and others said, 'We are not interested in paying back the loan to China. They have that to Milosevic'. In that way they wrote off a world power," Dacic told TV Pink.

Dacic added that China is a world power with a population of one and a half billion and the right of veto in the United Nations Security Council.

He stressed that Xi did not choose Serbia and Hungary by chance during his visit to Europe, because China perceives Serbia as a friendly country, and Belgrade maintains extremely friendly relations with Beijing.

Speaking about the negative reporting in the Western media because of the visit of the Chinese president to Serbia, Dacic said that he thinks it is completely pointless to talk about that and that Serbia does not need to explain itself to anyone.

"I don't think we need to pay attention to that at all. We need to move forward. In the economic sense, and above all in the political sense. Well of course we would be friends with those who like us," said Dacic.
