GORAN IS PROFESSIONAL HEAD LICE EXTERMINATOR: He cleaned them for 7 hours from a girl's head (PHOTO)

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- They thought I was a pedophile or a madman. They were able to say anything to me, because they did not believe that there is someone who has the will and nerves to deal with it. Comments from the acquaintances was different. Many have joked, even the dumbest ones like do i clean pubic lice- said Goran Vlah, a professional exterminator village

Goran Vlah is the only professional head lice exterminator in Croatia, and last week, before the school year started, is the period when he has most work. 

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Parents call upon him for help, and he comes to their homes with full equipment and solves the problem after few hours. He claims that they are more and more common every year.

His magic formula completely destroys lice, but  it is not easy to make it. The solution works fairly easily - it cleans them with water, vinegar and conditioner.

Goran always carries all necessary equipment with him to the client: special chair so the children are placed in the special position, certain heights while he works on their hair, vinegar, conditioner, special combs with tight spacing to reach ears and lice, hair buckles... To protect himself he has protective slippers, gloves, and he always wears a shirt, hear band and special glasses with a lamp to better see little menaces. 

- First, the hair and the head takes a good combination of sprayed water and vinegar, and then he applies large amount of conditioner which is then well rubbed into the hair and scalp. And then the real work begins. it is important to separate clean hair from the one that hasn't been cleaned year, because lice are insects and they behave like one. When he starts touching around them, they start running to the other part of the head, but conditioner gives them extra weight which makes them a lot slower and they can be literally caught by hand. After the head is cleaned, you only need to wash it with water or shampoo. If there were a lot of lice, lets say a hundred, then i say to the parents to check the child's head once again or to call me - explains Vlah.

After the hair division, the extermination begins that takes hours. He goes through the hair with a comb and takes them out one by one. He does that until he finds the last one.

The longest cleaning lasted seven hours, and it was a girl that had a one meter long hair. The shortest lasted 15 minutes, and it was a eight month old baby .

Foto: usiignjide.com.hr Foto: usiignjide.com.hr

- She cried and said that she can not go through all of that again. I decided to take matters in my own hands. We immediately discarded all of the bought shampoos, insecticides, because of the dandruff my daughter got from them. I set down and searched the internet for hours reading and researching everything there is about head lice . And that's how i found out Mexicans solve the problem with conditioner. Few years ago there was a total epidemics in South America, 50% of the people had lice. Because of the situation, they formed institutes to fight the menace, and they constantly work on their suppression. They started using volatile oils - said Vlah.

- They thought I was a pedophile or a madman. They were able to say anything to me, because they did not believe that there is someone who has the will and nerves to deal with it. Comments from the acquaintances was different. Many have joked, even the dumbest ones like do i clean pubic lice. But, when their child finds themselves in a situation when they get lice, they suddenly change their story and realize i help people. It is wonderful to see the parent transformation when i come to their house and when i leave. Those parents are desperate, down, mothers sometimes even crying. When i leave they are incredibly happy and they thank me. At first i unconsciously answered to the gratitude that they are welcome and call me again if they need me. And i noticed that they feel uneasy every time and say they hope there won't be need for a second time. So i don't say it anymore - he added.

Foto-ilustracija: Flickr/Gilles San Martin, Profimedia/F1 Online Foto-ilustracija: Flickr/Gilles San Martin, Profimedia/F1 Online

The price of the treatment goes from 10 to 40 euros, depending from the hair length, but also from the number of the lice that are on the head. Vlah really counts them while he takes them off of the head, because in that way you can see how long have they been on the head. How much will he find, depends solely on the fact how much did the person wait to have a treatment. If it was a month, he usually finds from 20 to 50 lice. But there were cases when he found more than 250.

- You wouldn't believe, but more and more children infects via mobile phones. One child was infected with lice and while he watches something on his phone, other children come around his head to watch as well. I have noticed a small problem; lice began adapting to the hair color. So, the third generation that hatches on someones head can take the color of the hair, i have seen them all - from transparent that i took from blond hair, red on red haired children, and the black ones i cleaned from dark hair - said Vlah.

(Telegraf.co.uk / source: telegram.hr)

Video: Promocija knjige "Rok Panteon".

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