QUITE THE HIT: Montenegrin Telekom offers free calls to Nepal. User Comments will make you cry (PHOTO)

- Hi there, is this service valid if I decide to call the Nepali hotline service? - a comment left by a witty user

After the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal, many international companies have joined the action to help the vulnerable population.

Montenegrin Telekom is taking part as well. This mobile operator has enabled all its customers free calls from fixed networks, as well as free calls and text messages from a mobile network to Nepal. In addition, roaming calls from Nepal for users who provide assistance on the ground are also free.

This news from Montenegro Telekom was shared with their customers on Facebook, and their comments made everyone laugh who encountered this post.

Fact is, Montenegrin residents don't have ties with Nepal, no family, friends, and hence, would not benefit from calling free to Nepal.

Have a look at some of the comments that ensued:

- Thank you, mostly all of us have someone in Nepal, this will mean a lot to us. Of course, this allows Nepali people to chat with us in these difficult times - is one of the comments.

- Congratulations! It was not easy, I'm sure, to give up all the euros that calls to Nepal brought you in all these years! There are few cons like you - wrote one, apparently dissatisfied user.

- You are real comedians!

- Great time to call up a girl from Nepal I met in Sutomore in 2001 - wrote a witty second comment-er.

- Hello! Mount Everest?! Hello! Can you hear me!? It's Durmitor!
