Law on salaries to cut costs, improve organisation

The future law on public sector salaries will allow for a more just salary system by rewarding the same jobs with the same earnings, Serbian Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government Kori Udovicki said on Wednesday

At a meeting of the Economic Caucus of the Serbian parliament, Udovicki presented the draft laws on the maximum number of public sector employees and public sector salaries, and said that cost cuts will be made possible not only through a reduction of the number of employees and salary cuts, but through better organisation as well.

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The goal is to create a more efficient and cheaper administration over the next three to three and a half years, Udovicki said.

"The objective is a modern and strong state administration, and a more just salary system should reduce the number of earnings-related misappropriations," Udovicki said.

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Udovicki said that an analysis and figures regarding the number of public administration employees, which she presented two days ago, will be published on the website of her ministry on Wednesday. She said that the total number of jobs with budget-funded salaries is 493,505, including service contracts, which, by law, are not included in the salary bill.

With around 500,000 employees in the public administration, the average is seven employees for every 100 residents, which is among the lower averages in Europe, Udovicki said.

( Tanjug)