HORNET KILLS A SERB (45): After the insect bite, he crashed to the ground and died!

Djoko Radovanovic (45) from Srezojevaca near Gornji Milanovac died following a hornet sting, while harvesting the apple tree that housed their lair. His housemates immediately called an ambulance, but the doctor noted instant death

Djoko Radovanovic (45) from Srezojevaca near Gornji Milanovac died following a hornet sting, while harvesting the apple tree that housed their lair, on the 12 august this year.

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The president of the local community Ivan Ostojic, told Beta news agency that  last night, Radovanovic with his neighbor cut the apple tree that was hollow and out of it flew hornets.

- He was bitten by only one hornet and managed to say that he was stung on the neck and immediately fell to the ground - said Ostojic.

HORROR ON THE HIGHWAY: A passerby found the dead body of a hung truck-driver!

His housemates immediately called an ambulance, but doctors noted instant death.

This summer, the locals around the Rudnik-Takovo region complained about the huge number of hornets who wreak havoc on their apiaries.

(Telegraf.co.uk./ Beta)