ZAGREB DECIDED: Croatian parliament to be disbanded from 15th July!

Party colleagues in HDZ (Croatian Democratic Community) expect that Karamarko will leave on his own so they don't have to dismiss him, and they remind that he was voted to recomposition of the government, and not for the new elections

Croatian parliament today came to a result with majority of votes about the dismission, and it comes to effect on 15th July. That decision was voted by 137 out of 151 members of the parliament, two were against and one was reserved. 

ALL EYES ON ZAGREB: Anti-government protest during the day, Karamarko resignation expected because of affair (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Early parliamentary elections are expected in early September.

After the revocation of prime minister Tihomir Oreskovic, at the end of last week, there has been seven different proposals in the parliament about disbanding with more of 90 vicarial signatures.

When the parliament is disbanded, everything will be in the president Kolinda Grabar Kitanovic hands, and she is obliged to schedule elections at early as 30 days or longest 60 days from the disbanding. 

Early parliamentary elections in Croatia will be most probably held in September, and the most obvious date is the 4th.

On the other side, the session of the leaders in HDZ, on which is expected for the president of HDZ Tomislav Karamarko to resign, to step away from his function as a president, has not been officially announced.

According to some sources, it was supposed to be held on Saturday, but allegedly the president of HDZ Karamarko asked for a free weekend so he could consult with his associates and to plan how to do it as painless as possible both for him and for the party.

- Him leaving is no longer a question, now we only need to see how will he do it, we should sit down and talk. We shouldn't charge at him, nor he to us - said for the Jutarnji List unnamed source from that party.

The same source said that he doesn't know who persuaded Karamarko to postpone the session that was planed on that Saturday, therefore he doesn't have the information when will it be scheduled again. 

- Because, we don't have the time to put one man in front of the party - said the source and added that discontent is growing every day for the leading man of the HDZ.

It is considered that the best way is for Karamarko to retire like a gentleman because he lost his trust.

Party colleagues in HDZ (Croatian Democratic Community) expect that Karamarko will leave on his own so they don't have to dismiss him, and they remind that he was voted to recomposition of the government, and not for the new elections.

In HDZ, however, there are some that say Karamarko doesn't want to hear about resignation. 
