"I ATE IN THIS HOUSE FOR 40 YEARS, AND NOW I GOT NOTHING": This is the most endangered city is Serbia (PHOTO)

- Flood came, i saw it carried all sorts of stuff - rocks and wood entered my house. The old house from my grandpa where i ate for 40 years... and there is nothing left - said through tears Mihajlovic

Heavy rainfall and hail, that struck few villages on Monday in Kosjeric, caused great damage and problems.

Bosnia and Herzegovina declared EMERGENCY SITUATION after the strong storm

The most difficult situation is in hamlet Renovica in the village Seca Reka, which has few natural disasters per year.

The stream that goes past the Nebojsa Mihajlovic household, in such a short time, brought from the local hill great amount of rubble. 

"Flood came, i saw it carries all sorts of stuff - rocks and wood entered my house. The old house from my grandpa where i ate for 40 years... and there is nothing left"-  said through tears Mihajlovic

After the flood stormed through the Mihajlovic yard, it continued to the house of Ljiljana Petrovic.

"I was petrified. The house and all additional buildings were suddenly flooded, and i am a sick woman. The neighbor came to get me out", said Petrovic.

But the problems don't end there. Little river Renovic, which dried up last weekend, flooded everything on Monday.

Due to the floods, landslides and hail, there is an emergency situation in some parts of Kosjeric.

The local government said they will help however they can, and they asked for help from the Serbian prime minister and the Office for reconstruction.

The president of municipality Kosjeric Miljan Stojanov said that certain measures had to be done to fix what can be fixed. 

They hope that there won't be as much damage in the future, because the municipality got five automatic anti hail system, which will work from September.

(Telegraf.co.uk / Tanjug)