PUTIN STRONGLY WARNS: We will neutralize any threat, including NATO

- We will continue to do everything possible to maintain the strategic balance of power - stated the President of Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with military officials of that country that Russia will strive to maintain the strategic balance of power and will work to neutralize the threats that come from the construction of a missile defense system and the concept of global attacks.

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- Our goal is to effectively neutralize any military threat to Russia's security, including those related to the construction of strategic missile defense to the application of the concept of global attacks and informational wars - said Putin , quoted by TAS S.

RT stated that Putin in his speech referred to the NATO missile system.

- We will continue to do everything possible to maintain the strategic balance of power - stated the President of Russia.

He added that those are "extremely dangerous" attempts to change this balance.

- Let us recall that this balance of powers, which was formed at the end of 40s and the beginning of 50s of the last century, enabled the world to avoid major armed conflicts - said Putin.

(Telegraf.co.uk / Tanjug)