The whole world rushes towards the biggest stone ball in Bosnia which has healing powers: When they lie on it, a miracle happens! (VIDEO)

Tourists have been coming to this ball all the time...

The largest stone ball in the Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina has become a real bait for foreign tourists lately, who claim that unusually shaped rock from Slatina near Laktis hides bio energy and incredible healing powers

Serbian scientists answered back: NASA is making up excuses to fill up the budget, life on new planets is not going to happen!

15 tourists from Switzerland have visited it recently, and the lady from the group said that the ball has bio energy and powers, after spending some time lying on it. Soon we will take around 30 people from Slovenia to see the ball and nearby tourist attractions in the municipality - said Milos Vujinic, director of the Tourist organization in Laktis.

They say from the organization that the ball has been drawing more and more curious people. 10 tons heavy, has a diameter around 2 meters, it can be reached with beaten path and nearby forest road, which makes this frequent destination for people who come for recreation, walkers and visitors of the famous resort "Slatina".

- Revealed few years ago. Half buried in a stream, which dries out during the summer, and on the surface there is a cavity in its central area. The origin of the ball was not confirmed, and that is why there are lots of theories and incredible beliefs - said from the Tourist organization.

According to the locals, one of the theories is that the rock got its shape thanks to the process of erosionThere are stories that it was made by ancient people, and some are even ready to claim that the ball is actually a meteorite, which fell from the space long ago. 

On the other hand, one local of Slatine, says that there are similar balls like this, of different dimensions all around the county territory, and that people used them before as building material or they decorated their yards with them, reports Srpskicafe.
