"Serbian city" on the Adriatic coast that is slowly disappearing: Alarming information about one of the largest centers in Croatia (PHOTO)

City Rijeka, according to official data has lost 7,434 residents in the last four years

Neither the city Rijeka nor Coastal - Gorski Kotar County escaped the devastating consequences of complete demographic breakdown, which is present in Croatia since independence to this day.

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According to the estimates, last year only, more than hundred thousand people left Croatia for their piece of bread, and according to the last data, Coast - Gorski  Kotar county is on the second place by negativity, writes Novi List.

Osjek-Baranja county is places on the black list besides it.

City Rijeka, according to the official data in four year period from 2011 to 2015 has lost 7.434 citizens, 3874 in natural way, and 3560 by emigration. City has been reduced from 128.624 to 121.190 citizens.

We should mention that this is just a continuation of already existing trends, because between two censuses in 2001 and 2011, Rijeka has lost 16.000 citizens, which means that the negative process has been continued, but that it is slowly speeding up. The warning signal is the fact that among the emigrated people are mostly young people, in the best life and working are, who will start a family in Germany, Ireland, Canada, or some other world destination attractive for living or working.

Total number of citizens in Coast-Goranska county is reduced from 303.491 in 2010 to 291.654 citizens on the last listed 2015, taking in mind that this process was continued.

Coast-Goranska county is the second in Croatia by the number of emigrated people. Negative migration rating from 2010 to 2015 is - 1.755 citizens. 
