Hollywood actor thrilled with Serbia: "Bones" star is filming in Belgrade (VIDEO)

David informed his followers on social media that he was in Belgrade

Printskrin: Youtube/TV Guide

Hollywood actor David Boreanaz, 50, whom the audiences loved in popular TV series Bones and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, is currently in Belgrade, filming the third season of SEAL Team.

Our country has become attractive to the Hollywood industry, so from time to time, big stars like Daniel Craig, Johnny Depp, Pierce Brosnan and many others have filmed in Serbia, and now there's David.

The actor is delighted with our capital, as evidenced by numerous photos and videos he has posted on his Instagram profile.

"Welcome to Serbia," the actor wrote below the clip.

The crew of the series is shooting in several locations, one of them being Knez Mihailova Street, where random passersby took pictures with the famous actor.
