If you're in one of these 8 Serbian cities, breathe a sigh of relief: Coronavirus is dying down

According to Dr. Predrag Kon, the virus no longer has the potential it once had, it is beginning to lose its transmission power and at the same time causes milder diseases, and in many cases without symptoms

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The flame of coronavirus is very mich dying down in at least eight cities in Serbia. After Novi Sad, which yesterday President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said was a hotspot that is almost extinguished, Kragujevac, Belgrade, Nis, Jagodina, Cuprija, Aleksinac and Prokuplje could join it.

This morning, epidemiologist Predrag Kon, a member of the Government's Crisis HQ for combating coronavirus, told this to Prva TV, pointing out that the percentage of positive tests from the total number is falling day by day, and that he is optimistic about the numbers regarding the coronavirus outbreak.

"When I say this, first of all, I mean the smaller number of those who are on ventilators, and the decline in the number of those who have a difficult clinical picture. On the other hand, the percentage of positive test from the total number is falling day by day. Particular decline is characteristic of Nis and its surroundings, including in Jagodina, Cuprija, Aleksinac, Prokuplje... Everywhere where we had an increased percentage, compared to others. In Vojvodina this is seriously reduced, in Belgrade it is 8 percent, and in Serbia 7.5 percent. This shows that of everything we think of as COVID, practically only 7.5 percent turns out to be it," said Dr. Kon.

Yesterday, President Vucic, answering the question about the epidemiological situation in Novi Sad, said that it was almost an extinguished hotspot.

"In the last three days Novi Sad is by far the best in terms of percentage, which means that we have the lowest percentage of those infected in big cities, better than even Kragujevac, which is very good," the president said yesterday.

He emphasized that Novi Sad is an almost extinguished epidemiological hotspot, but that we must be careful.

"The epidemiological situation is very favorable in Novi Sad itself, and it is good for people to be tested further, so that we will have mild and moderate patients, not severe ones," he said.

Namely, according to Dr. Kon, the virus no longer has the potential it once had, it is begining to lose its transmission power and at the same time causes milder diseases, and in many cases without symptoms.

If one has symptoms similar to coronavirus, gets tested and is negative, according to him, then they have a disease similar to the flu or an acute respiratory infection.

"During the summer, we have about 5,000 respiratory infection cases in Belgrade per week," he said, adding that in there are hundreds of those who had no symptoms but were tested for coronavirus.

Number of patients affected by the epidemic in those towns where it is dying down:

Beograd 1,760

Nis 929

Ćuprija 215

Aleksinac 122

Jagodina 102

Novi Sad 97

Prokuplje 87

Kragujevac 78

You can track information about coronavirus form all over the world on this page (in Serbian): https://www.telegraf.rs/covid-19

Video: Kon: There shouldnt be so much worry about the easing of measures
