Indictment against Gerontology Center director: 51 people died due to failure to apply measures

During a hearing in April, held at the prosecutor's office, the suspect denied committing the crime

Photo: Telegraf/D.K.

An indictment has been filed against the director of the Gerontology Center in Nis, Milan S., for failing to take measures to prevent the spread of Covid 19 in that institution, Tanjug is reporting. As a result of this omission, 51 people died.

The prosecution has also asked the court to extend Stevanovic's detention, that started on the day of his arrest, April 13.

Prosecution spokesman Borislav Radonjic specified in a statement for Tanjug that the indictment was filed against the defendant due to justified suspicion that he committed a serious crime against human health related to the criminal act regarding transmission of a contagious disease.

The criminal offense that he is charged with is punishable by at least two to 12 years in prison.

The indictment was submitted to the court for confirmation on Thursday.

The prosecution also proposed to extend the custody for the defendant, bearing in mind the severity of the possible sentence, the gravity and the consequences for the criminal act - 51 victims -that disturbed the public, Radonjic added.

During a hearing in April, held at the prosecutor's office, Stevanovic denied committing the crime.

It is suspected that he failed to take all the necessary measures and actions in order to prevent the spread of the infectious disease Covid 19, as a result of which 135 nursing home residents and four employees got infected at the Gerontology Center.

51 people died.
