€26,000 stolen from Novi Sad businessman's car: The thief used a special jamming device

The thief picked the right moment to carry out his intentions

Photo: Profimedia/Alamy

On Monday afternoon, a total worth almost 26,000 euros in cash was stolen from the car of a well-known Novi Sad businessman, the NS Uzivo portal has learned.

According to information they obtained, the perpetrator followed the businessman in a car that had a signal jamming device, so when the victim parked his car in the Liman neighborhood it remained unlocked, and the thief then stole about 20,000 euros and 800,000 dinars from it.

Unofficial information says that the police soon arrested the perpetrator who is a resident of Kac, while a part of the money has reportedly already been returned. The police are yet to issue an official statement about this event.
