Girls as young as 10 getting married in Serbia: Almost 200 child marriages recorded in 2020

There are also cases of girls who got married at the age of 10

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As many as 191 children were registered as victims of child marriage in 2020. Data from centers for social welfare indicates that these are most often Romani children - as many as 53 percent, and girls are especially in danger. According to the research of the NGO Praxis, the centers for social welfare intervened in only a third of the detected cases. The authorities, however, say that they can react when they find out about the risk of a child marriage taking place, or receive a report.

When she got married for the first time, Dzeljana was only 14 years old. Today, with that, but also with a slightly different experience, she looks at that period of life completely differently.

"They come to propose to us, we agree to all that. We are young, we don't know what awaits us. We copy each other until we realize that this is not what we want," stresses Dzeljana Toskaj.

She has a clear message for her own and other people's girls. She will not allow her children to marry so young.

"I went through all that and I don't want my children to experience it," adds Dzeljana.

The non-governmental organization Praxis states that only 43 percent of the centers for social welfare keep special records on child marriages.

According to their research, the centers intervened in only a third of the detected cases. That, they say, is not a problem only for those who deal with social protection.

"All factors in society are competent: from health, educational, to pedagogical assistants. After the centers, there's the police, the prosecution and the judiciary," stresses Nevena Markovic from Praxis.

First reports, and then centers reacts

Centers for social welfare recall that they can intervene when they find out about the risk of a child marriage or if they receive a report. They say they have not received any reports from either the NGO sector or Romani mediators.

They add that it is necessary for all competent institutions to see child marriage as a form of child abuse and to react.

"It's clear that it's a case of abuse if a 14-year-old girl takes on the role of an adult woman, followed by parenthood without physical and emotional maturity," Nevena Kljajic from the Republic Center for Social Protection points out.

She also cites cases of 10-year-old girls who got married.

Statistics say that among the victims of child marriages, 33 are without parental care, while 158 have one or both parents. There is no difference between urban and rural areas, but children in poorer and more isolated settlements are at greater risk.
