Crisis HQ meeting scheduled for tomorrow: Covid passes will be discussed again

The medical part of the Crisis HQ is of the opinion that more restrictive measures should be introduced and contacts reduced, which would mean shortening the opening hours

Photo: ATA Images

The Crisis HQ is meeting tomorrow starting at 11 am, it has been confirmed for

As announced earlier, one of the topics of that session should be the possibility of introducing Covid passes.

"We have not given up on Covid passes," the prime minister said on Sunday.

Dr. Predrag Kon is also worried about the situation.

"Since the last meeting of the Crisis HQ, the situation has not improved. There has been some stabilization, but at an almost catastrophic level, and that is certainly not an improvement," Dr. Kon stressed.

He added the coverage of immunization has not improved either.

The medical part of the Crisis HQ is of the opinion that more restrictive measures should be introduced and contacts reduced, which would mean shortening the opening hours, as well as that only vital and essential facilities should be open for the next ten days.

Video: Djerlek: We expect the number of Covid cases to decline in November
