WE LEARN Drunken Italian beats up 24-year-old man in well-known Belgrade hotel: Victim has serious injuries

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

The First Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade has been informed about the case

Photo montage: Marko Jovanovic, Shutterstock

The Belgrade police yesterday arrested B.B. (37), a citizen of Italy, for inflicting serious bodily injuries, Telegraf.rs has learned.

After an altercation in a well-known Belgrade hotel, the suspect is believed to have beaten up O.B. (24).

We have learned that the suspect was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the attack.

O.B. was admitted to the hospital with serious head injuries.

The First Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade has been informed about the case.
