Serbian Patriarch Porfirije banned from entering Kosovo and Metohija

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

Pristina authorities denied him entry

Photo: ATA Images/Amir Hamzagic

The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), Patriarch Porfirije, along with seven bishops, was today prevented by Pristina authorities from entering the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.

The Church dignitaries were one their way to attend the official opening on Tuesday of the regular annual session of the SPC Assembly in the Patriarchate of Pec, the SPC has confirmed for Tanjug.

Patriarch Porfirije and the bishops were sent back from the administrative crossing of Merdare, i.e. they were handed the so-called rejection notices, without any reason or explanation.

This is why the Assembly will not, as planned, start work tomorrow in the Patriarchate of Pec. Instead the bishops will gather in Belgrade, in the Temple of St. Sava, where liturgy service will begin at 09:00.

The working part of the Assembly chaired by Patriarch Porfirije will begin in the Crypt of the Temple of St. Sava, and he will address the bishops and highlight the most significant events of the past year and point out some of the challenges that the Assembly will deal with in the coming days.

It is expected that the Assembly could last a week.
