THE NINETIES ARE BACK: 3 car bombings in 7 days! Who's killing in Belgrade? (PHOTO)

A wave of car explosions and assassinations that amazingly resemble that of "Serbia in the nineties" are shaking through Belgrade. Some claim that it is the clash of drug dealers, others that it is a retaliation of "Montenegrin signature", and the third, that they are isolated cases. What is the truth?

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A wave of car explosions and assassinations that amazingly resemble that of the "Serbia in the nineties" are shaking through Belgrade. Some claim that it is the clash of drug dealers, and others that it is a retaliation of "Montenegrin signature". Three car bombings in the last week have led many to think that we have a period of mafia clash, but as before, these are isolated cases.

VIDEO AND PHOTO FROM THE SCENE: Destroyed and flipped cars because of the crazy driving in the WRONG LANE in Belgrade! (VIDEO)

This, unfortunately, is no consolation to ordinary citizens, since the reason behind why someone is flying in the air a few meters away from us, does not put ease while we head to work or school making us worry if our intended destination will put us in harm's way.

The first of these cases has led us to imagine the next time we leave our four walls, it  took place on June 3rd in Višnjička Banja, when in the Street of  Romen Rolan, a little after three o'clock in the morning, a car, of the brand "polo", owned by Avram Izrael, a former chief of notification during the NATO bombing was set on fire.

PANIC IN BOR: What they found in their car SHOCKED THE WHOLE TOWN! (PHOTO)

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The fire quickly spread to the paneling which  surrounded the adjacent building  in addition to four cars in which two apartments were in flames, one of  which also belongs to Izrael.

According to him, this is probably the work of a man with whom he is in a dispute because of illegal construction, which he has repeatedly threatened.

PANIC IN KOSOVSKA STREET: Fire spreads to surrounding buildings, collapsing part of the roof! ( PHOTO )

Only five days later, the employees in the kindergarten "Skadarlija" in Dalmatinska street, in front of their institution found a "Porsche Cayenne" in flames.

The expensive vehicle owned by Zarko Vukašinović (85), whose grandson Milos (29) told the media that he was convinced that the fire was set, stating that he knows who did it, but does not wish to reveal his name.

Foto: Telegraf Foto: Telegraf

The motif of the unknown perpetrator was probably debt, which he reportedly did not resolve with the older Vukasinovic.

The incident with the most tragic epilogue took place yesterday around 3:30 pm on Banovo Brdo, when in Kirovljeva street, in front of the number 7, the jeep of Vladimir Karan (46) blew up during movement.

WHO IS BOTHERED BY THE ROMA PEOPLE? Once again, Roma huts were up in flames in Belgrade!

Thanks to sheer luck, this man, previously known to the police  for his large criminal record - the leader of the drug trade passed with only grievous bodily harm, and despite poor health has a chance to survive.

Foto: Telegraf Foto: Telegraf

Shortly before the detonation, Karan was sitting at a nearby cafe, and when he sat in his car, someone activated the bomb by a remote control which was under his vehicle.

The blast threw him out of the jeep, which after a few meters smashed into a parked van, automatically setting, it too, on fire.

Despite the initial information that one person was killed, the truth is that two other passersby were injured.

With regard to the traffic in this part of the city and the time of day when someone tried to eliminate Karan, it was fortunate that not more people were killed.

Foto: Telegraf Foto: Telegraf

Before all of these assembled fires, the fire that occurred on June 2nd in Metohija street, Vracar, burned at least four cars. These are,  among others, the vehicles of General Zdravko Pomosa and model Vladimir Vuksanovic.

According to the first unofficial information, the fire which started on the BMW of model Vuksanovic, however, was not planted, as originally suspected, but the fire chaos was caused by a malfunction in installations, for which Vuksanovic said that he noticed earlier.

When his car caught fire, the fire spread to the "Honda" of the General Pomosa, who was parked right next to him.


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