Up to 3,000 foreigners find jobs in Serbia annually

Foreigners in Serbia mostly open small and medium companies, trade and hopitality facilities and also often get work permits for jobs in construction companies and as craftsmen

Around 3,000 foreigners find jobs in Serbia every year, and they are mostly hired by multinational companies, foreign banks, branch offices and as managers, according to data from the Serbian National Employment Agency (NSZ).

Last year, 2,892 foreign citizens get jobs in Serbia, and between December 4, 2014, when the new law on employing foreigners entered into force, and February 13 this year, a total of 393 work permits were issued to foreign citizens, of which 277 were work permits for employment, the NSZ data indicates.

Foreigners in Serbia mostly open small and medium companies, trade and hospitality facilities and also often get work permits for jobs in construction companies and as craftsmen.

A number of foreigners, especially those coming from China, get jobs in shops and restaurants run by their compatriots.

(Telegraf.rs / Tanjug)