LIFE DRAMA OF JELENA JANKOVIC: Doctors thought I had cancer!

It was 10 days of "hell" for me while i waited for the results of analysis, at the end, everything turned out fine, said the Serbian tennis player

Serbian tennis player Jelena Jankovic discovered a reason why she was weaker lately and why she could not meed the call of the selector for the FED cup. Jelena lost in fourth round of Indian Wells, why in Miami she forfeited the match after only 7 minutes of play time.

Jankovic discovered in her interview for Sports Journal that she had a bad shoulder injury, and that the doctors, after thorough analysis discovered that she had a cyst on her neck.

If the sexy Vojka played for our national team, PIONIR HALL WOULD BE FULL! (PHOTO)

- Tough times are behind me. I hurt my shoulder, actually a muscle connected to the back, there was even pain while i breathed. It happened while i was lifting some bags. Since i never lift any heavy stuff, that day some big bags with equipement came from my sponsor and i was alone. I had to lift 25 kilogram bags on the trolley. I lifted around 4 or 5 and i felt something moved in my shoulder. 

- I went on different examinations and the doctors have accidentally found that cyst on my neck. After first tests they thought it is cancer, and they decided to do few extra tests - said Jelena.

The doctors performed a biopsy of the tissue of the neck and luckily everything was fine.

It was 10 days of "hell" for me while i waited for the results of analysis, at the end, everything turned out fine. Thank God results were negative. I had a procedure where they removed the tissue that wasn't healthy and i am ok now - said Jankovic who hasn't been training for four weeks and she can't wait to get back on the court.

It is not certain when it will be because she still feels the consequences of her shoulder injury.

( / source: Sports Journal)