KOLINDA BROKE THE ELECTION RULES: She photographed her ballot, Croats furious (PHOTO)

Grabar Kitanovic, after the election on the polling station in Zagreb Bauer' street, took a photo of her ballot

The ballot of the Croatian president Kolinda Grabar Kitanovic is questionable considering that she broke the election rules taking a photo of her ballot after circling the number of her chosen candidate

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State Election trustees (DIP) on Saturday reminded voters that they are not allowed to use mobile phones on the polling stations and they are not allowed to photograph the ballots. The president, however, did not see the or different rules apply for her.

Grabar Kitanovic, after the election on the polling station in Zagreb Bauer' street, took a photo of her ballot.

On that occasion she was told that it was important to vote because the next months and years are crucial for the future of Croatia.

- I expect a bigger turnout and i invite a;; citizens to participate in the elections because today is the day that you decide. Today we have to be serious and we can not complain if the outcome is not what one would like - said in a statement to reporters after the vote that came on along with her husband Jakov.

On this occasion, Croatian civil society organizations "Gong" announced on its Facebook page a statement sharply criticizing Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic for taking a photo of the ballot with her mobile phone.

- With this breach of regulations, Croatian President seriously threatens the integrity of the electoral process and this behavior should not become an example to others. We do not believe that it is under someone's control, but such evidence is normally used as a basis for vote-buying - said in a statement of Gong.

(Telegraf.co.uk / Vecernji.hr)