Killer flu arrived to Serbia! This is how to recognize it

Symptoms of the so-called "Hong Kong" virus are high temperature, body aches, runny nose, cough and phlegm

Virus A-H3N2, so-called "Hong Kong", has arrived in Serbia, Telegraf finds out!

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Let us recall, the symptoms of this virus are high fever, body aches, runny nose, cough and phlegm.

This is the most dominant flu virus in Europe, and the doctors announced that it will was supposed to arrive to Serbia around New Year. Virus "Hong Kong" was a present during the last flu season in Serbia, as well as every year before that.

If you want to protect yourself and prevent virus from invading your system, you should take the following measures:


For children under six years of age, over 65, pregnant women, diabetics, smokers, health workers and people with already weakened immune system, vaccination should be a priority. While the vaccinated people can contract the flu, they will have no complications, which would usually put them in hospitals.


First of all, water should be inserted in large quantities, and other liquids such as tea, milk, yogurt and soup are also welcomed, because the body needs to be hydrated. Similarly, in body's defense against viruses fresh fruits and vegetables are essential, especially vitamin C from lemons and other citrus fruits, as well as banana, apple and cranberry. Honey and bee products such as royal jelly and propolis have been used for centuries as prevention against cold, and now science has proven it is working.


Flu is spread by infected people through coughing and sneezing and it gets to you via air either directly or it remains on doorknobs, handrails, keyboards and other common objects. So, avoid places with many people.


It is enough to bring your hand close to your face and to infect yourself with a flu. So wash your hand as often as possible and wipe them with aseptic tissues, and regular shower is recommended, changing of bed sheets and other things that affect personal hygiene.


Stress and insomnia are conducive to the flu because while we struggle with daily tasks and thoughts, our immunity is weakened. Viruses stick to the fatigued organism like flies and they it doesn't take much to force you into bed.
