Klepetan returned to Malena: When he found her with someone else, he made a mess! (VIDEO)

Malena the stork, as everybody knows, hasn't been able to fly south for 25 years due to the broken wing, but her loyal Klepetan has been returning to her for years, and the public waited for his return with anticipation

There has been a reunion of the most famous couple of storks in Croatia, reports brodportal.hr.

The end of the most beautiful love story after 14 years: Klepetan did not return to his Malena, her heart is broken! (PHOTO)

But this time it wasn't all so smooth and idyllic like usual. Klepetan found Malena in the nest with someone else and he went crazy.

- He came yesterday around 15 h. He made a mess, he smashed the eggs, broke the nest. He had a fight with another stork, and he hit him on the wing. I cleaned and washed away the blood - said Stjepan Vokic for Index.hr, who has been taking care about the most famous couple of storks for years.

- He chased him away - Vokic testifies with excitement, who has been taking  care about the most famous couple of storks for years, and many followed the unfolding of a love story on live stream on YouTube.

Malena the stork, as everybody knows, hasn't been able to fly south for 25 years due to the broken wing, but her loyal Klepetan has been returning to her for years, and the public waited for his return with anticipation.

But this year, Klepetan was disturbingly late. So much that many, including Vokic, believed that he either died or gave up from returning.

This is the latest date in the last 15 years, when Klepetan returned to Brodska Varos. He clearly had a different route plan, or he did it to look like a hotshot.

Watch the video:
