PM responds on Twitter to Alicia Kearns, who is asking Western countries to protect Kosovo from Serbia

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The prime minister wrote that the most striking example of the (lack of) credibility and objectivity of those who initiated this letter is that Kearns "managed to become one of the rare individuals whose public statements had to be refuted by KFOR"

Photo: Tanjug/Vlada RS/Pedja Vuckovic

Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabic has responded on Twitter to British parliamentarian Alicia Kearns - who is asking Western countries to protect Kosovo from Serbia.

"This letter and the tweets by Kearns, Roth, and Menendez are more than welcome, as they provide living proof that Kurti does indeed enjoy full support and encouragement for undermining peace and stability in the Balkans, avoiding the implementation of the agreements reached - both Brussels agreements, the refusal to establish the Union of Serbian Municipalities (Community of Serb Municipalities, ZSO)already for more than 10 years and the Ohrid Agreement, which provides for the implementation of the Brussels Agreement, as well as for undermining the basic human rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija," posted Brnabic.

All anyone needs to know about democracy and rule of law in Kosovo* (Kosovo and Metohija) is this, she stated:

1. Since the beginning of this year, 6 Serbs were shot by members of the Kosovo* security apparatus – and no one was held responsible;

2. A member of the Kosovo* police, who shot at 11 year old boy and 21 year old young man on Christmas Eve, has been released from custody and is now a free man;

3. Since the beginning of Kurti’s administration in 2021, to date, 32 Serbs were unlawfully arrested, with some of them imprisoned for over 20 months without any charges, in addition to enduring torture, maltreatment, and daily insults on national basis.

Brnabic further states that the most striking example of the (lack of) credibility and objectivity of those who initiated this letter is that Kearns managed to become one of the rare individuals whose public statements had to be refuted by KFOR.

"When Kearns alleged that the Serbian Orthodox Church is smuggling weapons into Kosovo*, KFOR, as the military mission of NATO, stated: 'There is no evidence regarding the alleged smuggling carried out... in Orthodox churches by ambulances'."

Despite this clear statement from KFOR, Kearns continues to parade these lies, even within this letter. And that summarizes all anyone needs to know about the letter itself, the prime minister concluded.
