Dacic: EU membership as Serbia's main foreign policy goal

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said in Tirana on Friday that the main foreign policy goal of Serbia embodied in EU membership remains unchanged

On the path to realisation of this goal, Serbia has demonstrated consistency both by the realisation of the ambitious reform agenda and by its constructive approach to the dialogue with Pristina, Dacic said in the speech at the meeting of ministers of foreign affairs of the South-East Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Tirana.

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Serbia has completed the screening process with highest ratings and it believes that now, after a year and a half after the opening of the accession negotiations, the time has come for a shift to a new, more demanding stage in the ties with the EU and for the opening of the first negotiating chapters, Dacic said.

Brussels should show that Serbia's steps were not in vain

Dacic expressed the belief that the meetings held in Belgrade and Pristina in the format of the Western Balkan six contributed to the further strengthening of the stability in the region and confirmed that regional cooperation and economic stability constitute the common instrument for achieving European standards and living up to the EU membership criteria.

(Telegraf.co.uk/ Tanjug)