PUTIN, VLADIMIR PUTIN: Is James Bond a COPY of the Russian president? (PHOTO (VIDEO)

What do you think, have the creators of the last four films from cult series had in mind a figure of Vladimir Putin when choosing the actor to play the role of the iconic spy?

Daniel Craig, the actor who plays the role of James Bond resembles the President of Russia, so many wonder whether Vladimir Putin was the inspiration for the most famous secret agent in the world Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is named the most powerful person in 2015 by the respected "Forbes", resembles the famous secret agent James Bond, or the actor Daniel Craig who in the film has the role of the agent 007.

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Putin has so far showed and proved his adventurous spirit, but also showed how the first man of such a large country can be masculine.

All these features characterize the most famous secret agent in the world, who is in the last four films played by a British actor Daniel Craig.

What distinguishes Craig in relation to almost all predecessors is the hair color, but what is particularly interesting, and can be clearly seen in the photographs and videos, is the amazing similarity with the President of Russia.

Craig and Putin have almost the same posture, sharp eyes, eye color. Putin and James Bond also share the fact that both of them are familiar with extreme situations, the president of Russia has proved to be able to fly a combat aircraft, ride a submarine, but also stood out in hunting.

See how James Bond flies a plane.

Of course, the similarities between Bond and Putin do not stop there.

If you have ever seen at least one movie about the famous agent, you know he works for the

British intelligence agency MI6. On the other hand, Putin was an agent of the famous KGB.

We cannot forget the martial arts of both of them. It is known that Putin does judo.

On the other hand, we do not need to waste words on which martial arts Bond knows and applies when he should "beat" the bad guys.

The parallel between him and 007 can be drawn even when it comes to the gentler sex. Bond is known as a great seducer, and Putin took women’s breath away when he bathed in the icy river and on that occasion he showed his torso.

Watch a scene with muscular Craig.

However, we must point out that this remarkable resemblance between James Bond and Putin refers to the last four films about the secret agent.

Before Craig, the role of James Bond was played by Sean Connery, George Lazenbi, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan.

What do you think, have the creators of the last four films from cult series had in mind a figure of Vladimir Putin when choosing the actor to play the role of the iconic spy?
