PATRIARCH IRINEJ: It is strange that at the same time 4 of our churches burned on three continents!

- We suspect a lot of things, that these fires were deliberately planted, and that this did not happen by chance, but we can not make any conclusions until we have established the truth - says Patriarch

Contradictory comments about whether this is a coincidence or framed appeared after the Orthodox churches suffered fires in New York, Russia, Sydney and Melbourne on Easter. Thus, the Serbian Patriarch Irinej for "Weekly" commented how strange it is that at the same time our churches burned on three different continents and that is symptomatic, but not sure if it's a warning or someone organized fire. 

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- We suspect a lot of things, that these fires were deliberately planted, and that this did not happen by chance, but we can not make any conclusions until we have established the truth - said patriarch and adds that everybody in Serbian Orthodox Church are surprised.

He said that no one from the state leadership has not contacted him after the church was burned, but that he had received reports from our embassy in New York that there is examination  and investigation what caused the fire.

He commented the situation in Serbia after the elections, although, he says, after the elections had not heard, not seen with Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.

- The people said what they thought and it should be respected. I have not had time to congratulate Vucic on his victory, I was busy, but there will be occasions - Patriarch Irinej said, but stressed that "the Church remains above politics" and added:

- I hope for the best and that the new government will work to the benefit of the people and in the interest of the nation - concluded the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
