Amendola meets with Vucic, announces more investments

Vucic and Amendola discussed possibilities for improving economic cooperation, which has affirmed Italy as Serbia's most significant partner

Italian companies operating in Serbia are very pleased with the conditions here and new investments are expected, Italy's Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Vincenzo Amendola said during a meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic Tuesday.

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Vucic and Amendola discussed possibilities for improving economic cooperation, which has affirmed Italy as Serbia's most significant partner.

On behalf of Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, Amendola told Vucic that Italy was immediately launching preparations for the next Western Balkan conference as part of the Berlin Process to ensure it brought concrete results in implementing infrastructure projects and helped economic growth and security in the region.

Prime Minister Vucic thanked the Italian government for its continued support in European integration and assistance in Serbia's judicial reform and the fight against corruption and organised crime.

( / Tanjug)