The end of the most beautiful love story after 14 years: Klepetan did not return to his Malena, her heart is broken! (PHOTO)

"Storks are still coming, but this year there are two of them, three, they would come in larger numbers. I am afraid that something scared them off"

After 14 years, Klepetan did not arrive to the nest to his Malena, and many, including Stjepan Vokic, who has been looking after Malena for 25 years, are afraid that the love story has come to an end. 

THE MOST FAMOUS COUPLE IN THE REGION GOT BABIES: Malena and Klepetan parents for 58th time (VIDEO)

Klepetan was late an entire week last year, but he came on March 30th, which was his latest arrival, but he is nowhere to be found this year. While she was waiting, another suitor landed into her nest, but she kept refusing him, waiting for her Klepetan. 

- Storks are still coming, but this year there are two of them, three, they would come in larger numbers. I am afraid that something scared them off, they have to go over Syria and Somalia, and there is enormous drought in Somalia. They must land every 600 km for water, and they did not have water in that area for almost 5.000 km. Klepetan is going the longest way, to South African Republic, we know that because we chipped him in 2008 and perhaps, he maybe just couldn't handle the trip. And maybe he didn't even try, they sometimes stay there and do not dare to go - said Vokic from Brodska Varos for

- She is still waiting, eager for him. Another suitor kept coming, but she is refusing him. I am waiting till tomorrow and i am giving up... Laying of eggs begins on 15 April, and i don't believe there will be any change considering how precise they are. He would arrive if he started flying, he probably died, i don't know - said Vokic deeply shaken.

People often ask him how does he know when Klepetan lands near Malena. 

- As soon as he comes he lands to me and wants to eat, we spent so many years together, how can i not recognize him? He waits for me on the gate when i return from fishing. We have our own things we do. Last year he had a strange move when he left, he was standing on the crossroads for three days observing, he didn't want to come here and then on August 28 he left at 14 PM. I won't say it means anything, but there, as if he felt something.

So far there is only hope that Klepetan will eventually show up in Malena's nest. 
