Is this the smartest family in Pancevo? Stefan graduated from Faculty of Electrical Engineering with perfect 10, and his brother and sister are serious competition

Susnjar family are the proof that talent for natural science can be in the genes

Stefan (25) started getting top scores on competitions in physics in the family Susnjar, and his younger brother Marko and sister Anja continued in his footsteps. As a result of constant work and love towards science which is impossible for some others, Stefan raised the bar in his family with the average grade of 10 at the Faculty of electrical engineering, which is considered the hardest in Serbia

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Stefan's name was at the top of the list of the winners of the most prestigious competitions in physics and mathematics in elementary and secondary schools, and he continued his tradition in physics for four years. He continued this tradition at numerous competitions on his college and he won prizes in physics for four years. He thinks that he won a large number of medals thanks to the dedicated parents who fought to meet his incredible thirst for knowledge.

- When I was little, I kept asking a lot of questions. Mom and dad always found answers, no matter how tiresome it might be. I remember, when I was around 3 years old, I asked my father how many bones does a person have. It wasn't so easy to reach answers back then since there was no internet, so he asked a doctor that he has met. They provided everything they could to us - Stefan said.

There is no pressure on the younger ones to repeat everything like their brother or to top him, but the competitive spirit with the expectations from the professors can't give them a break.

- Marko was looking at me as some example. He followed the same path I took, but he could have chosen some different department at the Faculty, and there are choices in front of Anja - Stefan notices, in a family where you can easily spend some casual time solving a math problem.

There is a "good" old saying among the students of the Faculty, "The first three years are the most difficult, and then you enroll in the second year". That is why his statement that the first year was the easiest was so strange.

- I had a good knowledge from the High School for mathematics, and then the first year was a lot easier than for most of the students. Perhaps they were doing better in high school then on the faculty in the first year. People enroll at the faculty are interested in natural sciences, and the professors are working with pleasure and they get some unordinary questions. I just refreshed my knowledge - Stefan explained who went to the Department of Signals and Systems, and he is soon traveling to Italy where he plans to complete his master studies.

The road to the perfect 10 is a recipe with many layers. It not so much for the number put setting a challenge for yourself to solve some problem, so he annulled two 9s and he took the exams again to reach the highest grade.

- Work and motivation are crucial. Actually, will. There are a lot of talented people, but they just gave up at some moment, they didn't sacrifice enough as I did. I have a desire do to the best. If someone has a gift, he has to be motivated to develop it - Stefan gives an advice.

( / Milena Rodic /