Thaci praised on Twitter about the meeting with Putin, Kremlin is still silent: What were they talking about?

Thaci claims that he talked with Putin about the possibility to create a "solid and binding agreement" between the two countries

Kosovo president Hashim Thaci published today on Twitter that he met with the Russian president Vladimir Putin in Paris and that he talked about the normalization of relations with Belgrade.

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Thaci claims that he talked with Putin about the possibility to create a "solid and binding agreement" between the two countries.

- President Putin was clear. If you achieve the peace agreement, Russia will support it - Thaci stated on Twitter.

He published several photos with this post, including the one where he shook hands with Putin.

A central ceremony was held in Paris on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War in Paris.

On that occasion, there was a failure in the protocol and the schedule of seating at the ceremony, when Hashim Thaci was set to sit immediately behind Russian President Vladimir Putin.

After the ceremony, the President of Serbia said that his obligation as the president of the state to act with dignity, with pride of our people and to represent them in the best possible way and that is why he couldn't react.

- You can imagine what was someone thinking when he placed Thaci behind Putin, with whom he shook hands. He came behind Putin's back and he gave his hand, and then the head of the Russian state saw who was this man - Vucic explained.

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