Slovenia received its Nobel Prize winner: A distinguished scientist took the oath and received Slovenian citizenship

Haldane shared the Nobel prize for Physics with Michael Kostelric and David Taules

British scientist Duncan Haldane, whose mother is a native Austrian, received Slovenian citizenship at a ceremony at the Slovenian embassy in Washington. 

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Haldane shared the Nobel prize for physics with Michael Kostelric and David Taules.

He was awarded for discoveries in the field of theoretical research of the state of matter, and in the 1980s, he explained the magnetic functions of the atomic chain in certain materials, which is a significant contribution to the development of new materials and electronic components, published by the Slovenian media.

Haldane is currently a physics professor at Princeton University in the United States, and he swore an oath as a Slovenian citizen last Friday at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington.

According to the Slovenian media, this Nobel prize winner states that he has Scottish-Slovenian origins and that his mother was born as Ljudmila Renko in Austrian Ferlach, in the Kuruska province, where Slovenian minority lives.

( / Hina)