Footage of Vucic ignoring the protocol of taking a picture together with Albanian president and Kolinda (VIDEO)

After the handshake with the host, Albanian president Ilir Meta and the initiators or the Process, presidents of Croatia and Slovenia, Vucic didn't stay for photos

The Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic ignored the common joint photo shoot with the host of the gathering on today's official welcome of all participants of the summit of the Process Brdo Brijuni. 

Serbian consultations ahead of Tirana meeting: Vucic and Dodik's meeting (PHOTO)

The president of Serbia is the first one who arrived at the ceremonial lunch in front of the cameras, but after handshaking with the host Ilir Meta and the initiators of the Process, the presidents of Croatia and Slovenia, he didn't stay for the photoshoot.  

So he is the only one who doesn't have a picture together with the others who posed for the picture. The officials who posed for pictures were the president of Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the honorary guest, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, and the head of EU diplomacy, Federica Mogherini.

Foto: Tanjug/Zoran Mirković

Vucic was "welcomed" by information last night that Hashim Thaci and Albanian prime minister Edi Rama talked, before the Summit, about the national unification, complete opening of the borders between Kosovo and Albania, and merger of three southern Serbian municipalities, as well as the protests of Self-Determination due to his arrival to Albania.

Earlier today, almost all Albanian and Pristina media published that he met with Thaci before the meeting, in the presence of the head of EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini, and that he had a cold handshake with them.

Foto: Tanjug/AP

( / Tanjug)