US ambassador asks provisional Pristina authorities to abolish taxes immediately and unconditionally

He stressed that the US strongly supports the EU-mediated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue process, which should lead to a comprehensive agreement between Belgrade and Pristina

Pristina should immediately, without any conditions, abolish the taxes (on products from central Serbia), said US Ambassador in Pristina Philip Kosnett, Pristina-based Koha reported.

"I think the next step in this process should be: Kosovo immediately abolishes tariffs (taxes), without any preconditions, and we are confident that, if this happens, the government in Belgrade will take positive steps in continuing the dialogue. I think the removal of the tariffs is very important," the US diplomat said in Kosovska Mitrovica yesterday.

He stressed that the US strongly supports the EU-mediated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue process, which should lead to a comprehensive agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

He pointed out that he believes that Prime Minister of the provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti takes his responsibility towards all citizens of Kosovo seriously.

"Three things are important to the US when it comes to Kosovo - peace, justice and prosperity," he said, adding that these three things are mutually connected.
