"Solve Kosovo and Metohija issue within Resolution 1244, China supports agreement through dialogue"

China respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia - she stresssed

Photo: Tanjug/Zoran Zestic

China has always considered the right way to resolve the issue of Kosovo and Metohija to be within the framework of the valid Resolution 1244 of the United Nations Security Council, said Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Chen Bo.

In an article she wrote for the magazine Napredak, a part of which was carried today by the daily Plitika, she wrote that China is in favor of finding a mutually acceptable solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija through dialogue between the relevant parties.

"China respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, understands and supports its legitimate interests in Kosovo and Metohija and appreciates the efforts to find a solution through dialogue," stated Chen Bo.

This year, China and the EU mark the 45th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations, and Chen Bo said that even if there are differences and competition between the two sides, a prosperous, stable and united Europe is in China's interest.

"Cooperation between China and the EU is greater than their mutual competition," she stated.
