THEY STRIP THEM NAKED AND TORTURE THEM! The newest details of the torture SERBS get in the prison where the Hague Tribunal sent them

Dragomir Milosevic (74), the former commander of the Republic of Srpska army, and Milan Martic (62) who are in a prison in Estonia where the Hague Tribunal sent them suffer greatly and are going through real hell

Foto: Profimedia/Corbis

Dragomir Milosevic (74), the former commander of the Republic of Srpska army, and Milan Martic (62) who are in a prison in Estonia where the Hague Tribunal sent them suffer greatly and are going through real hell!

Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj refuses to return to ICTY, says he'd rather have the Police take him forcefully!

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According to "Alo!" news agency, their representatives had sent dozens of memos in which they protest against inhumane conditions in the prison, however, the Tribunal remained deaf to their demands, just like in the case of general Tolimir.

Legal representatives of Milosevic and Martic claim that the regime in the prison is rigorous, and that their clients are old, and in bad health shape.

When they are getting to a physical check-up, they are getting stripped bare, which endangers their health and it is degrading.

Serbia has requested that they get basic human rights because there is a reasonable doubt that they are not getting the same treatment, but the Hague is not responding - stated Predrag Milovancevic, the lawyer of Mian Martic.

- We are not getting any argument response and warrants that general Milosevic and Martic are getting the same treatment as other prisoners - said Nikola Selakovic.
