Sandro is a hunter of lightning and storms: His spectacular photos of the clouds have traveled the world, everybody wonders how is this possible (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Sandro discovered for Telegraf how he makes these photos and how many days he spends hunting the single cloud

Sandro Puncet is an incredible storm hunter from the island Losinj, who is amazing the people around the world with his fascinating photos of lightning, clouds, and other meteorological phenomena. Although all of his photos leave observers breathless, the last ones he made are going the step further.

Miracle in Serbia: Lake where islands are floating (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Everybody is amazed by his photographs, and Sandro said that he is just hunting them, and nature is making those sights. The sight above Cres, taken before the stork, will make you wonder if something like this is possible. 

- You need to be persistent and just do it as a hobby. You need to enjoy it and not watch it like money. I have been dealing with weather conditions since childhood because both parents are meteorologists - this incredible artist reveals.

He gives advice for the good photo and said that patience and persistence bring good results. Although he has been doing this for years, he still learns something new every day.

- I am preparing for days for the hunt, I am following various maps with forecasts, and I am determining the location where I am going to take photos accordingly - said Sandro.

- This hunting is a great challenge for me because of the unpredictability of nature. I often come home entirely wet, without any good catch on the camera, but that is what keeps me trying over and over again with new storms - he adds.

He has been into photography since 2013, and that is when he bought his first DSLR camera. It is incredible how many good photos he made in the last four years.

As if the photos weren't enough. Sandro made an incredible time-lapse:

Enjoy some of the sights from a storm hunter, and you can look at all of the photos at his Facebook page.

( / J. Stakic/