WE HAVE 3 BULLETS FOR YOU: Greek Foreign Minister received death threats due to negotiations with Macedonia over the name

Anonymous letter directly connected with the dispute between the two countries over the name

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kocias received an anonymous letter where he received death threats, announced today by the Greek National Security Minister Nikos Toskas.

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- We have three bullets for you - Toskas specified from the letter addressed to Kocias.

Reuters reports that the threats addressed to Kocias and his family are written in the letter because of the efforts of the head of Greek diplomacy to solve the dispute over the name Macedonia, while the Greek agency ANA doesn't state that Toskas directly linked the letter and the name dispute.

ANA, however, notes that Toskas said that strong military forces will be deployed at a rally in Athens on Saturday, due to the dispute over the name of Macedonia. 

He added that the letter arrived on Thursday and that the police launched an investigation, he added to the ANT 1 television.

Toskas stressed that phenomena such as this letter are "unacceptable" and urged all political forces to condemn such acts. 

Kocias is leading the negotiations with Macedonia on solving the dispute of the name of that country which affects on Macedonia's ambitions to join NATO and EU.

Greece opposes the use of the name "Macedonia" since the county was separated from Yugoslavia in 1991.

(Telegraf.co.uk / Tanjug)