Vucic hands action plans for Chapters 23, 24 to Hahn

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic handed late Thursday the action plans for Chapter 23 and Chapter 24 to European commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Johannes Hahn saying that EU membership is Serbia's strategic goal, but that the decision on opening the negotiation chapters depends on Brussels

"We will try to earn the trust of institutions in Brussels and EU member countries by working responsibly," the prime minister said. Vucic also said Belgrade will continue its dialogue with Pristina and voiced hope the EU will acknowledge that.

"I believe we will be able to be and to remain a pillar of stability, as it has been the case so far," he noted.

As for certain issues on Kosovo-Metohija, the issue of the community of Serbian municipalities remains to be resolved, Vucic noted.

The prime minister pointed out Serbia has always wanted to discuss the community as this relates to the rights of Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija.

Brussels should show that Serbia's steps were not in vain

He added that Belgrade has fulfilled everything in its power when it comes to the 15 points of the Brussels agreement, while six points concerning the Serbian community have not been fulfilled.

Hahn: Progress in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue important

European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Johannes Hahn stated it is important to make progress between Belgrade and Pristina, and added that if this happens, it is not impossible to start opening negotiation chapters with Serbia this year.

Hahn also voiced belief that EU accession is the strategic goal of the Serbian government which he said is fully committed to this objective. He pointed out he discussed ways to meet the goals with EU member countries and that there are still some issues and conditions, but added he is confident they could be overcome and fulfilled.

SCANDAL! The EU recognizes Kosovo's independence: This decision of Europe, SERBIA WILL NEVER ACCEPT!

It is of absolute importance that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is continued and to have concrete results. If that becomes the case, I think it is not impossible that we could start opening chapters this year, Hahn told journalists at a joint press conference with Vucic late Thursday.

There is a common commitment in EU member states to first start with the chapters concerning the rule of law, Chapters 23 and 24, the EU commissioner noted.

PM: Up to Brussels to decide on opening of initial chapters

Serbia's Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has said that EU membership is Serbia's strategic goal, and that he hopes that the initial chapters of the country's entry talks will be opened in September at the latest, but that is up to Brussels to decide.

“Today, I have said that I expect (chapters to be opened) in June, September at the latest, but very little depends on us, that is a question for EU member states and for Brussels, to which they have to have an answer,” Vucic said at a joint press conference with Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn on Thursday evening.

Vucic said that the Serbian side would strive to resolve the issue of the community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo-Metohija so as to secure a better future for the Serb people.

The Serbian government has achieved a lot at an economic level, contributed to political stability in the region, continued the dialogue with Pristina, completed the screening process with good results, Vucic said.

Serbia will continue to pursue the policy of understanding in order to avoid any instability, he said.

( Tanjug)